How Important is Mental Health?

Did you know mental health is important for you? Not everyone knows how important mental health is. Mental health is so much more than just the absence of mental illnesses, it is a combination of our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Mental health affects our everyday lives – in how we act, feel, and think. It influences how we relate to other people, how we deal with the stresses in our lives, and whether we make healthy or unhealthy lifestyle choices. 

Stress in mental health

Mental health can change over time and has many factors but one factor that affects our lives is stress. Everyone experiences stress at times, but when the demands of life go beyond our ability to cope with them. Stress can cause physical changes in our bodies. It causes muscles to tense and heart rate and breathing rate to increase. Stress can have positive effects, such as helping us be ready to face a challenge. Then, once the challenge has passed, the body returns to normal.

Social support in mental health  

Social support is important to have from family and friends. Having that social support is a good way of not having to keep things to yourself and drowning in those heavy thoughts that you have. If you don’t feel comfortable speaking with any family or friends, there are other options such as speaking with a therapist, or counselor that you know can keep what you say confidential. It is best to speak with someone you think can listen and not interrupt while someone is speaking out their thoughts. Friends and family can be our first choice because of how close they are to all of us and could sit down and listen. 

Mental health techniques

Here are some good mental health techniques that help manage your stress and they will help you mentally. 

  • Pay attention to how you’re feeling and what your body is telling you. Are you feeling very stressed most of the time? Are you having trouble sleeping? Do you feel depressed? Do you often feel that you don’t have enough energy? These could be signals of a mental health issue. Talk about your feelings with a trusted friend, family member, or professional therapist. 
  • Be physically active.  Exercising regularly can help you feel better and sleep better, and it can enhance your ability to concentrate. Yoga can also help with relaxing your mind, or it could be listening to soothing music or engaging in a hobby you enjoy.
  • Stay in touch with other people. Don’t try to go it alone. Family and friends can support you and help you deal with life’s problems and stresses. 
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. This is a sign of strength, not weakness. Recognizing that you can’t conquer every problem and having the courage to seek assistance demonstrates maturity and self-confidence. There are programs available to help those with the courage to ask for help.


Overall, mental health is important to deal with because there are ways of coping. It does change you in many ways possible, people should get started by noticing things that are changing within them, or listening to what people say to them about how they are changing. Having social support is a great start to managing how you deal with mental health. Look at the good techniques that can help you, a friend, or anyone that is searching for help.

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