As a new college student, it’s typical that you’ll worry about how you might adapt to living in this new place. Not only will this new endeavor challenge you academically, but you’ll have to face the challenge of making new friends, curating a new routine, and balancing the tasks that make up your new life. You’ve left behind the life that you’ve always known. Discomfort comes over you as you’re left to navigagte the unknown.

Most of you may associate these fears with a decreased sense of belonging. We assume that being away from home makes us feel more isolated compared to being a commuter student. It turns out that the opposite is true. Research says that being a residential student comes with a number of benefits that positively impact a student’s overall college experience; one being an increased sense of community.

Living on campus may improve your GPA.

With this increased time spent on campus, academic resources are more readily available to you. You’re in a better position to be successful in your classes. This time also allows you to put in more effort into your schoolwork. Being more engaged with your course work predicts a better learning experience and thus better overall grades.  

Living on campus strengthens social relationships.

You have more opportunities to build quality connections with both your peers and professors. These connections are not only built but are better maintained and in greater depth because there’s time to do so. Relationships become more than just surface-level because these interactions are persistent.

Living on campus establishes a greater sense of belonging.

There’s so much more you can get involved in on campus. The more involved you are, the more people you meet. Seeing the same people consistently leads to the formation of emotional connections that are more than likely going to persist outside of these activities. Having these kinds of relationships on campus promotes a deeper level of comfortability and offers you a greater sense of belonging.

So yes, moving away for college can be a bit horrifying. It’s not easy to just pack up and leave the only lifestyle you’ve ever known. Walking into this realm of unfamiliarity can be daunting especially when you feel like you’re all on your own. But fear not. The research says you’re actually better off in comparison to a commuter student. You have better opportunities to be successful in your academics, your social interactions, and your overall sense of belonging. You’re not alone.

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